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Here are some FAQs and answers!

Who can vote for Kirsten?
You have to be an eligible voter in specific parts of Richfield or Bloomington. In Richfield, it's everything south of 73rd/Diagonal, west of 35W, or around Wood Lake. In Bloomington, you have to live between Old Cedar and Columbus north of 86th, or from Columbus to France north of 90th. That's my district!

Is Kirsten going to DC when she wins?

No. The state House of Representatives only meets 3-4 months of the year (between February and May) at the Capitol in St. Paul. The Governor is the Executive Branch of this Legislation.

Can I JUST vote for Kirsten or do I have to vote for everything?

An incomplete ballot is still valid! You can absolutely just vote for me, but I always encourage people to get informed and vote for as many areas as you can! You can find out who else will be on your ballot here.

Where do I vote?

Both cities have a voters services office that can help you (Bloomington / Richfield). You can vote early at each City Hall starting September 21 OR wait until election day on November 6 and go to your polling location. The easiest way to find where that is, visit:



How can I help Kirsten from now to November?
Glad you asked! It depends on what you have to give!
Money can be donated HERE.
Time can be scheduled HERE.

Yard sign can be requested HERE.

Social media likes and shares help a LOT so find those on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

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